A glass door that's had innumerable fliers and notices and what-not taped to it over the years casts a late afternoon shadow into the entryway of a building in South San Francisco. Here in the US, it's Saturday; at the same time, it's also Shadow Shot Sunday. How does that work?
Here's last week's collection of SSS entries.
Great SS! Interesting, the things that create shadows, isn't it? I find myself looking all around me everytime the sun comes out, which lately hasn't been that often.
Ha ha, "magic"-- love it!
Great eye for spotting those sticker shadows.
Sad to say that down under they are losing their precious summer, as we stroll into ours...think I'll stay right here...for now...
all the signs and sticky tape make a really interesting shadow. Good shot!
what an interesting shot...very unique... often the shadows are so much more intriguing than the original object casting the shadow..
Nice catch!
Ha! Magic indeed. And I'm not only referring to the craziness of the timezones, but to your shot. Magic! :)
These shadows create a whole new artistic landscape! Very clever perspective!
Nice eye for the shadow shot this week!
You have indeed created a magical moment out of something as ordinary as stickers on a glass door. You certainly have an eye for art.
What a fun shadow shot! Although...it makes us think of cleaning our windows - ha!!
Great abstract--well done, sir.
Love it! I like the abstract shadow shots the best. Thanks for sharing.
Isn't it amazing what a great shadow they cast? Really very pretty..Happy SSS..
I missed this one on my last visit!Very neat! Good sharp shadows. Love it!
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