Elk antlers outside the administrative hacienda at Wind Wolves Preserve.
I've been very remiss lately with the Shadow Shot Sundays (as in, not doing any for several weeks), and the reason is I have a new-ish project that consumes most of my free-ish time: a sort of history/photo blog called
Up and Down California. We're reliving the travels of the California Geological Survey 150 years ago via excerpts from the field leader's letters (posted in real time +150) with present-day photos of the places he describes. (The photo above was taken on a whirlwind road trip last weekend to visit locations the Survey party stayed or passed through.)
I love Shadow Shot Sunday, and I'll continue to do it when I can (it may be sporadically, but I'm not going away altogether); in the meantime, though, check out what they were doing
150 years ago today (or, if you want to catch up on their travels up to this point,
start at the beginning).
Shadow Shot Sunday:
learn how, and
join in the fun.