Monday, March 8, 2010

Another One from Swanton



ahab said...

Great colors in this one. Isn't that one of those cattle-grabber things? They feature prominently in the pretty good Claire Danes flick on Temple Grandin.

(I might be scarce for a few days due to a death in the family. An uncle of mine has passed away at only 50-something. It's very sad.)

E-6 said...

Agreed, the colors are rich. Excellent shot. Can't wait to see that color green outside my window.

(Sorry to hear about your uncle, ahab.)

Generik said...

My condolences, ahab. Being 50-something myself, I can say with assurance that that's way too young to go. So sorry.

Tom Hilton said...

Yeah, great colors--I love the contrast between the fresh green grass and the decaying, rusting man-made structures.

My condolences, ahab.

Donna said...

love this one -- contrast in textures, color, the whole schmeer. and yeah, very sorry Ahab. That blows.

ahab said...

Has anybody else seen the Clare Danes movie I mentioned? It's a Showtime production, but it's very well done.

Temple Grandin is an autistic woman. While spending time as a teenager on her aunt's cattle ranch, Temple noticed the calming effect those cattle holder things had on cows. She was suffering panic attacks at that period of her life, but as she abhors human contact she was hard to calm down. On her own initiative she developed a human-sized version of the cattle-holder, with which she could administer calming and socializing hugs to herself.

As an autistic person, Temple shares a visual style of perception and thought with cattle and other animals. That coupled with her early experiences on the ranch led her to identify very deeply with cattle, and she has gone on to dedicate her life to developing humane systems for slaughtering them. Like 75% of the nation's slaughterhouses incorporate her humane -- and efficient -- designs. She's been on Fresh Air and Bob Edwards and other shows. And she is an absolutely fascinating person.

(And thanks, everyone, for your kind thoughts. G, forgive me for injecting my bereavement into your thread. Heckuva nice guy, though, my uncle, and a heckuva nice family he leaves behind. Life is not fair. RIP.)

ahab said...

The Temple Grandin movie is on HBO, not Showtime.

Roxanne Grooms said...

I saw the movie ahab. Claire Danes did a wonderful job and Temple is a fascinating person indeed. Great story.
Very sorry for your loss. I, for one, think pharmaceutical longevity has robbed the elders of their dignity and quality of life but 50-something is way too young. Sad for the loss and impact on the family.

ahab said...

Thanks, Savannah. The family is doing okay.