And the Rockets' Red Glare by Generik, posted on April 14.
Today (yesterday actually, but who's counting) is the two-year anniversary of Pixels at an Exhibition, and we're continuing the annual tradition of posting a set of favorite images (from each of us, selected by the other two co-bloggers) from the past year. I'll let the images speak for themselves, and add only that it is a great pleasure and privilege to be able to share this space with Michael and Erik--really talented photographers, and all-around good people.
Three Geese by Ahab, posted on September 20.
Three Kings by Tom Hilton, posted May 17.
Tidestones by Ahab, posted on July 14.
Colors by Tom Hilton, posted on May 25.
Smoke Break Santa by Generik, posted December 27 2009.
Red Wave by Tom Hilton, posted August 31.
On Balance by Generik, posted on December 9 2009.
Cedar Waxwing by Ahab, posted on November 10.
A Big Drink of Water by Generik, posted on May 5.
Laundry Day in Poggibonsi by Ahab, posted on February 4.
Emile Henri and the Adventure of the Roasted Beets by Tom Hilton, posted February 19.
Freeform by Ahab, posted on March 23.
Palm Stars by Generik, posted on December 16 2009.
I Knew the Bride When She Used to Rock & Roll by Tom Hilton, posted on October 21.
Circles and Stripes by Ahab, posted on October 20.

Michele Michele (from the
Brides of March) by Generik, posted on March 18.
Rainy Season by Tom Hilton, posted on November 7.
Let Us Now Praise Tom Hilton by Generik, posted on July 12.
Lakehouse by Ahab, posted on November 6.
Martini Monday by Tom Hilton, posted on February 15.