Monday, October 4, 2010

Autumn Geese

Autumn Geese
Better large.


Jonny Hamachi said...

You guys should change the name of this site to "The Ruling Class".

The three of you rule and I'm getting schooled.

Thanks for the lessons,
Go Giants!

Tom Hilton said...

Wow, what a great shot. Those geese just keep paying off for you.

Unknown said...

What a great sky. You are good with geese. :-)

Generik said...

Loving that background color. Once again, you give us the birds and we like it.

E-6 said...

The rush of momentum is exhilarating.

ahab said...

Thanks, everybody! I'm really pleased with this one too. Pagan, the background is a wooded hillside that's changing to fall colors. It's very satisfying to take two sort of mundane subjects and get a fresh, involving image out of it. Usually I get doubly mundane. ;)

ahab said...

In news I should probably keep to myself, I had knee surgery yesterday and now you know the geese and Osprey and Eagles will be running free all over my lake for as long as I can't stand up and chase them.

Bastaaards [shaking fist, popping percoset]!