Tuesday, June 23, 2009




Donna said...

Howard Roark would maybe not be pleased.

Me? I like it.

ahab said...

I love that place. I was there a couple of times when they were building it. Turned out damn nice.

Generik said...

It is damn nice. And right now, there's an exhibition of Robert Frank's photos, mainly from his mid-'50s book The Americans, that is just stunning. There's also a match-up of Ansel Adams and Georgia O'Keefe works, but personally I found the Robert Frank more interesting.

ahab said...

I love most photo exhibits. I'm not familiar with many of the names, such as this Frank, but that's not important.

The National Gallery of Art had (or maybe still has) a show of Czech modernists that was just fascinating. I can look at that stuff for hours, although that goes for good art of all kinds.

Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure we saw that same Adams/O'Keefe show when it was in Washington last year. I ended up looking at the Adams pieces. O'Keefe doesn't thrill me.

Generik said...

I felt the same way, ahab. I looked at all the Ansel Adams photos very deliberately, and just glanced at the O'Keefe work.

ahab said...

And they weren't the greatest Adamses, either, G. They picked the ones that matched up with O'Keefe works, not the best in their own right.

Having said that, though, I have to say that B&W photography in the hands of a master is usually pretty AWESOME.

Here's one of my faves by Jaromir Funke, the main Czech modernist in the show I mentioned (it looks better in print):


And here are some more online repros: