Sunday, November 28, 2010

Vista Point

Borrowed a DSLR and some lenses from my brother, and I'm trying them out...


Generik said...

Be careful, you might get spoiled!

ahab said...

Uh-oh, there's a new gun in town! But is it a Nikon or a Canon? Or some bastard child?

Nice shot, btw.

Tom Hilton said...

Thanks! And yeah, I probably will get spoiled...they're on extended loan (Paul doesn't use them anymore).

And it's all Nikon (sorry, guys). D-100, with 50mm, 80-200mm, and wide-angle (18? 14? don't recall the number on that one) lenses.

ahab said...

Sounds like it's your kit to lose. (Possession being, after all, 9/10s of photography.) And that's a pretty damned nice setup. Lenses are the thing. Bodies in the digital age go obsolete, or stale anyway, every three to five years. Lenses, esp good lenses like your brother's seem, are practically forever.

I shoot Nikon DSLR too, Tom. Nikon is now dominant in our group.