People who follow my photostream on Flickr know that I'm obsessed with couches in outdoor settings, whether they be abandoned on an urban sidewalk, tossed away in a back alley or set up in an empty field somewhere miles from anything. I ran across this beauty being carried from a garage sale to a new home a couple blocks away last weekend in the Haight, and took a few shots of it on the move. I really like this particular one, what with the light, the framing of the tree on the right and the couple pausing for a break.
Your mileage may vary, of course.
I was gonna say before reading your blurb, it looks like they want to take that guy prisoner rather than to set him free.
That is a really nice capture, btw.
Nice--great capture of the moment.
I love the trees, the hill, the architecture and just the odd duckness of that ugly couch against such beauty.
The patchy footpath looks like a rug and the way she is standing it almost as if she is wondering…..“over here or shall we put it in the other corner?”.
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