Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Justin's Skate Park, Slab City, CA

Justin and His Skate Park

I'm home for a brief respite between legs 1 and 2 of the sabbatical (I fly out of SFO Friday morning). So far, it's been a blast. I have lots of stories to tell and hundreds of photos to work through and process. Later.

This is Justin, a resident of Slab City, near the small town of Niland and the Salton Sea. He's built a skate park there, "for everyone." Including the Salvation Mountain site, Slab City is an amazing spot that not many people get to see up close.

BTW -- great stuff you guys have been posting in my absence! I looked a few times while on the road, and thought, man, I'd sure like to share a blog with those guys!


William Buckley said...

You nailed this one.

Nice work Erik.

ahab said...

Great catch.