Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Twelve Santas of Christmas: #9) Mohawk Santa

Santacon 08


Generik said...

You know what I would like to see? Iroquois Santa. Cherokee Santa. Erie Santa. Pawnee Santa. Arapahoe Santa. Cheyenne Santa. Comanche Santa. Kwakiutl Santa. Sioux Santa. Navajo Santa. Miwok Santa. Lakota Santa. Ogalala Santa. Apache Santa. Seminole Santa. Hopi Santa.

I mean, I'm just saying.

(And good luck finding them!)

Donna said...

I'm with Generik. And let's throw in Nonduwaga Santa and Mic Mac Santa while we're at it, huh?

Tom Hilton said...

Give it time, Generik...

Generik said...

Another view...